Every fence that is built has a distinct purpose. Whether that purpose is to seclude, surround, protect, or simply to define limits is entirely up to you, the owner. In order to build the one that serves your purpose, it is important to clarify your needs and desires. What is the purpose of your fence?
To highlight an attractive view?
To define a special area in your yard?
Provide security for people, pets or property?
As a buffer against climate or noise?
To enhance your property and increase it's value?
Whatever your need, you can trust Dominion Fences to build to your expectations. When a fence is carefully planned, designed and constructed, it can be strikingly beautiful no matter how simple or complex the style, adding comfort and value to your home and property.
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Wood used in exterior structures must be rot-resistant. Pine, hemlock, or fir will start to fall apart after a few years if not treated or painted. These woods are fine if a painted surface complements your overall design and if you like how paint looks. But if you want the beauty of wood grain revealed, you need a naturally-resistant species or pressure treated wood.
Types of Wood
What is Pressure Treated Lumber
Lumber's greatest enemy is biological attack - destruction by termites, fungi, marine borders, and bacteria. After more than half a century of scientific tests and practical experience with CCA, this preservative has been found to be the safest, most effective weapon yet formulated to protect wood against insects, rot, and decay.
1. What is CCA Pressure treatment and how long is it effective?
It's the most practical, reliable wood preservative method now in use. CCA treated wood remains in service more than 50 years protected against all the major forms of destructive attack. The same untreated softwood species commonly used in construction have an average life of less than five years in contact with the ground. The lumber goes through a rigorous treatment process, finishing with time in a conditioning building. We use only wood that has been treated in this manner with an EPA-registered pesticide.
2. What is CCA?
Chromated Copper Arsenate - three active ingredients each of which performs an important function. The chromate "fixes" the other two elements chemically to the wood. When the chromate penetrates the wood cells, it reacts making it safe for people, pets, and plants to come in contact with the wood. The copper is a potent fungicide preventing decay caused by various fungi. The arsenate, a natural trace element found in soil, water, plants, and animals (even humans), stops attack by termites, micro-organisms and fungi as well.
3. How safe is CCA?
Very safe. The mixture of stable metallic oxides injected into lumber reacts with the wood substance to form a permanent insoluble complex. It won't evaporate or vaporize. CCA-treated wood is clean, odorless, non-staining, safe to work with and handle. Its locked-in protection is non-irritating to children, adults, animals, and plants.
4. Why is treated wood banned from indoor use?
That's a misconception. Treated wood may be used indoors for any application except cutting boards and countertops. In those cases, most health departments frown on any wood as a cutting surface, not because of chemical danger but because knife cuts have been believed to more readily harbor bacteria. Picnic tables have often been treated with CCA or similar preservation techniques since they are primarily used for serving prepared food, versus a kitchen countertop or a cutting board which is used for unprepared food.
5. But I've heard that children shouldn't play on decks & playground equipment made of treated wood.
Relax! That's simply untrue. CCA treated wood is fully approved and widely used to build playground equipment. Extensive tests have been conducted to determine whether children who lick their hands after playing on treated wood expose themselves to carcinogen. Both the California Department of Health and the Consumer Products Safety Commission, in separate studies, found negligible risk. No form of CCA treated wood has ever been found to cause cancer in any human or animal.